building hope block by block.
We are building a vision of HOPE (Healing Our Post-traumatic Experiences) block by block through community-led solutions to break barriers and provide opportunities for individuals impacted by the criminal injustice system.

Our vision:
Our vision is to build hope block by block. Hope is healing our post traumatic experiences.
Our mission:
Our programs provide a comprehensive approach to enhance the quality of life for justice impacted individuals in their reintegration back into the community.
REbuilding black wall street
The story of Black Wall Street and the 1921 Tulsa Massacre is not widely known, and the original docuseries, Rebuilding Black Wall Street, hosted by Morris Chestnut on the OWN Channel, gives viewers the opportunity to learn more about the history of the city and the events from just over 100 years ago. Block Builderz and founder, D'Marria Monday, a direct descendant of an original Black Wall Street family in Tulsa, is highlighted in this series Episode 3: The Transition Home.
Episode description: Tulsa's complex history lays the groundwork for Massacre descendant D'Marria Monday to build a haven for recently incarcerated women reintegrating back into society. Designers Jon Pierre and Mary Tjon-Joe-Pin add special touches to the home.